Chemical Peeling


What is Chemical Peeling?

A chemical peel enhances and smoothens the texture of the skin; exfoliates and removes the outer layers of dead skin, revealing a new skin layer with improved tone, texture, and color giving you a full facial rejuvenation. This is mostly done on facial skin to get the dead skin removed by peel off. It can also be done on hands and back to remove tanning.

It is one of the ancient cosmetic procedures, performed in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. Chemical Peel off is very popular as it offers instant results and can be done as an outpatient procedure.

Who is it for?

  • Aged women with wrinkled skin.
  • Women suffering from acne and pimples.
  • Skin with age spots, freckles and scars.
  • Causes of sun damage and ageing.
  • Melasma.
  • To remove tanning.

Chemical Peel is done according to skin types. chemical peels can be categorized into:

  • superficial peel.
  • medium peels.
  • deep peels.


Steps of the procedure

  • Peeling starts with the application of defatting solvent to cleanse the skin.
  • Chemical Solution is then applied for particular period of time.
  • After particular time, peeling is neutralized with neutralizing solutions.
  • At the end, sunscreen is applied.

How it works?

Chemical Peel gives beautiful results on your skin. It reduces the scar marks, blemishes and wrinkles on the skin. This procedure improves the skin texture, reduces the effects of sun damage and eliminates the age spots. It is advisable to not get in sun directly after this skin treatment.


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What are the chemical peels?

Chemical peels produce controlled injury to the skin, causing it to shed the first several layers of cells which promote the growth of new skin and improved appearance.

What are the different peeling agents?

It contains either alpha hydroxy acids (an AHA also called fruit acids such as glycolic acid, lactic acids, mandelic acids, tartaric acids, malic acids, phytic acids), beta hydroxy acid (salicylic acid, also known as BHA) or trichloroacetic acid (TCA), combination peels, categorized by the concentration and the resulting depth of the peel on the skin which range from superficial (also known as micro or light peels) to medium.

What are chemical peels used for?

Chemical peels are used for the treatment of acne, acne scars[decreasing sebum production], photo-aging (from sun damage), tanned skin, dull skin, dark spots on the skin (including melasma, freckles, and age spots), skin glow, oily skin , rough skin, fine lines and wrinkling, dilated pores.

Who cannot undergo chemical peel?

Those who have active infection on their face, open wounds, taking photosensitive medicines are refrained from peeling.

Can chemical peeling causes skin cancer?

On contrary, it heals the sun damages skin, evens out skin tone. So big no. Chemical peeling doesn’t cause skin cancers.

How are chemical peels performed?

In general, chemical peels usually begin with a vigorous cleansing of the skin, followed by application of the appropriate peel and then washing the peel off after a few minutes of application. The last but important step is the application of sunscreen.

How long do chemical peels take?

Most peels can be performed within a few minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated.

What will my skin feel like after a chemical peel?

The state of your skin after a peel depends on the type of chemical used and your skin type. Superficial peels have limited effects. Medium peels may cause some redness and the deeper peels may require 10-14 days to recover.

What are the side effects?

Flaking, peeling, and redness is normal. Mild discomfort (burning sensation) is felt during the treatment.

How many peels will I need?

Generally, chemical peels are done once every 2-3 weeks until the optimum results are achieved. Maintenance peels can then be performed once a month.

How long do the results last?

With good sun protection results can last months, even years. This is dependent on the depth of the peel. The deeper peels generally provide a long-lasting effect.

What are the risks of chemical peels?

Superficial peels are quite safe, although minor irritation of the skin can occur. The risk of deep peels can include infection, redness, and discoloration.

What before care should be followed?

Avoid salon procedure like threading, bleaching, waxing 3 -4 days prior to peeling. Avoid exfoliating agent like AHAs, RETINOIDS 2 -3 days before peeling.

What aftercare is to be followed?

Apply sunscreen above SPF 30, Use moisturizers and do not self-exfoliate your skin by rubbing or scratching. Avoid heavy sweating for the first few days after the peel. Normal activities may be resumed immediately after the peel.

How long after a chemical peel before I can return to normal activities?

Light Peels – The light peel takes approximately three to five days to complete the shedding process. No downtime. B. Medium Peels – Medium peels usually persist for five to seven days. some redness with little or no flaking, depending on the individual.

May I put makeup over the treated area?

No cosmetics should be applied for at least one week after the treatment.


Dr Sneha Gohil [Profile]_Procedure

Dr. Sneha Gohil

Dermatologist and Cosmetologist

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My experience with Dr sneha was awesome. She is very helpful and very much supportive and friendly by nature. I had the first treatment with her and that was so good that i can see wonderful results after the treatment. Thank you for guiding me accurately.
Pinkal Patel
Had an overwhelming experience and finally cured my wart affected foot after a really long time with Dr Sneha’s expert guidance! She is always polite and an empathetic guide with humble attitude  I strongly recommend her clinic and the staff is also very supportive and approachable.
Ruwaab Thakkar
Awesome; Dr. Sneha Gohil promptly responses to your skin problems, good diagnosis and provides proper remedy. She is of very caring nature and a very nice person too. Definitely recommended.
Anuja Kochhar