Laser Mole Removal

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Laser for Mole Removal – Overview

Some moles can be removed using lasers. This is most commonly done with small, flat, non-cancerous moles. During laser removal, your doctor will use bursts of light radiation to destroy the mole tissue. To fully remove a mole using laser therapy, you may need to have two or three treatments.


Most moles don’t require treatment. But you might want to have a mole removed if you’re unhappy with how it looks or feels. Talk with your healthcare provider if you’re concerned about a mole.

How it works?

During laser moles removal, bursts of light radiation will be directed toward the mole, breaking down the skin cells it is comprised of.


  • Either anesthetic cream or local anesthetic injection is given to the treated part.
  • Laser energy is delivered to destroy the mole tissue cells.
  • Touch up session may be required to remove mole tissue completely.

Post Procedural Care

Apply antibiotic cream to the treated part to prevent secondary infection.


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Do moles grow back after laser mole removal?

Mole removal is usually permanent, but it is sometimes possible for a mole to reappear or get bigger after it has been partially removed.

How long does laser mole removal take to heal?

Results. Most treated sites heal completely in less than a month, although a larger or deeper incision could take 4-6 weeks to heal. After this time, you should continue to protect the area from the sun and may wish to explore scar fading treatments.

Is the Laser Safe?

The medical-grade lasers used in this treatment are small, powerful, and completely safe. Patients undergoing this treatment are provided with goggles to protect their eyes while the laser is in use.

Does lasering a mole leave a scar?

Laser light mole removal treatment offers a safe, convenient, and effective way to get rid of moles with virtually no scarring.

What does it look like after a mole is removed?

Approximately 2–4 weeks after mole removal, as healing tissue begins to build up, the affected area may look rough and red and feel stiff. Although the wound area could be a little raised and red for 1–2 months, the scar typically becomes less red and flatter over time.

Is mole removal painful?

Since you’ll be given a local anesthetic before the procedure, you shouldn’t experience any pain or sharpness during mole removal.

Is it normal for moles to get bigger?

Healthy moles do not change in size, shape or color. If you notice a mole is getting bigger, changing shapes or getting darker than normal, this could be a sign of a malignant mole.


Dr Sneha Gohil [Profile]_Procedure

Dr. Sneha Gohil

Dermatologist and Cosmetologist

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Awesome; Dr. Sneha Gohil promptly responses to your skin problems, good diagnosis and provides proper remedy. She is of very caring nature and a very nice person too. Definitely recommended.
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