Laser Hair Removal

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Laser Hair Removal – Overview

If you’re not happy with shaving, tweezing, or waxing to remove unwanted hair, Laser hair removal may be an option worth considering. Laser hair removal in Ahmedabad is one of the most commonly done cosmetic procedures in the world now.

The demand for safe, long-lasting, and effective hair reduction for aesthetic as well as medical indications is on the rise. A variety of options for hair removal are available, such as epilation by plucking or waxing, depilation by shaving, chemical depilatories, electrolysis, eflornithine cream, and laser and intense pulsed light (IPL) systems. A variety of lasers and IPL systems are available and are the most effective options for long-term hair reduction.

The mechanism of action of these systems is the targeting melanin in the hair shaft, follicular epithelium, and hair matrix by emitting light with wavelengths ranging from 600 to 1200 nanometers (nm), because those wavelengths are selectively absorbed by melanin.


  • Cosmetically unwanted hair growth like – upper lip, chin, beard area, axillae, bikini area in females.
  • Hirsutism.
  • congenital or drug induced hypertrichosis.
  • Pseudofolliculitis.
  • Acne keloidalis nuchae.
  • Keratosis pilaris
  • Hidrenitis suppuritiva
  • Pilonidal sinus.

How it works?

During laser hair removal, a laser emits a light that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair. The light energy is converted to heat, which damages the tube-shaped sacs within the skin (hair follicles) that produce hairs. This damage inhibits or delays future hair growth.

The laser helps remove hair from the roots, and in the process, also prevents ingrown hair from cropping up. You also don’t have to worry about razor bruises or burns from hot wax. Regular laser treatment can eliminate ingrown hairs entirely, meaning you’ll never have to worry about this again.

Lasers for hair reduction include the following:

Ruby Laser (694 nm) – Red light is delivered through synthetic ruby crystals, more effective for lighter skin types with dark hair.

Alexandrite Laser (755 nm) – Greater penetrance, good for lighter hair.

Diode Laser (810 nm) – Penetrates deeper, delivers better fluence, less epidermal damage, safer in darker skin.

 Neodymium-doped Yttrium-Aluminium-Garnet (Nd: YAG) Laser (1064 nm) – Better penetration, less epidermal damage, relatively less melanin absorption.

Intense Pulse Light (IPL) or Broadband Light (BBL) (500-1200 nm) – High-intensity pulses of polychromatic, non-coherent light are delivered by a flash-lamp; various filters allow the narrowing of the emitted wavelength band, can be used on darker skin, larger areas can be covered due to its larger spot size, less expensive than a true laser but not as effective.

Fitzpatrick Skin Types

  • I- Pale white skin, blue/green eyes, blond/red hair; always burns, does not tan
  • II- Fair skin, blue eyes; burns easily, tans poorly
  • III- Darker white skin; tans after the initial burn
  • IV- Light brown skin; burns minimally, tans easily
  • V- Brown skin; rarely burns, tans darkly easily
  • VI- Dark brown or black skin; never burns, always tans darkly


  1. Detailed clinical history to rule out infections, drug intake, etc.
  2. Hormonal evaluation to assess causes of hirsutism.
  3. Counsel the patient to manage expectations. It must be stressed that the procedure provides permanent hair reduction rather than removal.
  4. Evaluate skin and hair types to choose the right laser and parameters.
  5. Avoid hair epilation by plucking or waxing for 6 weeks before the procedure.
  6. Sunscreens may be prescribed 4 to 6 weeks before the procedure, especially on exposed areas.
  7. Pre-procedure photographs, with due consent, to maintain a record for evaluation of treatment response.
  8. Shave the area long enough before the procedure to allow a slight stubble to develop; this will provide enough of a target for the laser without absorbing too much energy in the hair shaft itself.
  9. Obtain an informed consent.
  10. If need be, a topical anesthetic cream may be applied one-half to one hour before the procedure.


  1. Clean the area to remove oils from the skin
  2. Position the patient comfortably.
  3. Use eye protection for both the operator and the patient.
  4. Avoid reflecting surfaces or metallic objects near the laser.
  5. Individualize the parameters to each patient’s skin and hair type and the type of laser being used.
  6. Place the handpiece perpendicular to the skin. Ensure that it is pressed down gently but firmly to bring the follicles close to the surface and temporarily decrease the blood supply to the treatment area.
  7. Perifollicular edema and erythema is an expected side effect, and this must be explained to the patient prior to the procedure.

Post Procedural Care

  1. Although most machines have inbuilt cooling systems, ice packs or cooling agents may be used post-procedure to minimize pain and swelling.
  2. In case of inadvertent epidermal injury, topical antibiotics may be used.
  3. Strict sun protection and the use of sunscreens is a must.
  4. Topical steroid creams may be prescribed to minimize erythema and swelling.

The hair matrix is only sensitive to laser treatment during the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle; therefore multiple treatments will be necessary in order to address all hair follicles when they are most sensitive to treatment. In the initial phase of hair removal therapy, 4 to 6 sessions spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart are the minimum required to achieve adequate results. Subsequently, patients may need maintenance treatments once every 6 to 12 months as small vellus hair may grow back.

Various factors may affect the outcome, such as:

  • Hair location (axillary and pubic hair respond better than hair on the extremities and chest)
  • Skin and hair color (light skin of Fitzpatrick skin types with dark hair achieve the best results due to the lack of melanin in the skin and the abundance of melanin to absorb laser energy in the hair follicles)
  • Hair growth stage (anagen hair being most sensitive)
  • Laser type
  • Hormonal status
  • Treatment plan

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What are the do's and don'ts of laser hair removal?

Avoid very hot baths, showers, steam baths or saunas, and don’t swim in strong chlorinated water for two or three days. Don’t use bleaching creams or perfume products for 24 to 48 hours. Avoid exfoliating or peels for one week. Try to avoid wearing tight clothing for two or three days.

Who is not suitable for laser hair removal?

People with keloid scars or healing problems like hypertrophic scars should not have laser hair removal. Likewise people with vitiligo, a condition which causes de-pigmentation of sections of the skin. People who have severe histamine reactions like urticaria are also unsuitable.

How painful is laser hair removal?

Yes, laser removal does cause discomfort, but it typically causes much less discomfort than other forms of hair removal, especially waxing. Many individuals describe laser hair removal as akin to the feeling of a rubber band snapping against your skin.

Is laser hair removal forever?

Is it really permanent? In short, no. Laser hair removal works by heating the hair follicles to stop new hairs from growing. This puts the hair follicles in a state of dormancy for a long period of time — much longer than with shaving and waxing.

Does laser hair removal affect fertility?

There’s no evidence that laser hair removal affects your chances of becoming pregnant. If you’re trying to get pregnant, check with your doctor before beginning laser hair removal treatments.

Is laser hair removal cancerous?

Can laser hair removal cause cancer? It’s a myth that laser hair removal can cause cancer. In fact, according to the Skin Care Foundation, the procedure is sometimes used to treat certain forms of precancerous lesions. Different lasers are used to treat sun damage and wrinkles.

Does laser remove 100% hair?

Is laser hair reduction permanent? In the laser hair reduction process, your thick hair will become thin. For example if you have 100 hair in a particular area then 70 to 80 hair will get destroyed (their quantity will decrease). You shall have patchy growth.

How long after laser can I shave?

Everyone’s body is different so the best thing to do is touch the skin to determine the sensitivity before shaving. If you shave too quickly you may irritate the skin even more, so waiting at least three or four days after your treatment is usually ideal.

Why do you have to wait in between laser hair removal treatments?

You will also need to wait about four to six weeks in-between each treatment. We understand that this may seem like a rather long process, but it’s important that your hair follicles grow slightly in-between treatments so they are at the ideal stage of growth when damaged by the laser.

How do I know if laser hair removal is working?

Most people start to see results of laser hair removal il treatments within the first few weeks after their first appointment. Your results will be obvious as your hair begins to fall out, and while you may see hair regrowth, you should notice that hair is growing back more slowly than before.

How can I make laser hair removal more effective?

Improve Your Laser Hair Removal Effectiveness

  • Take Advantage of the Best Technology.
  • Understand You Will Need Multiple Laser Hair Removal Sessions.
  • Avoid Removing Hair by the Roots for 6 Weeks Prior to Your Treatment.
  • Avoid Caffeine for 24 Hours before Your Treatment.
  • Shave the Day of Your Laser Hair Treatment.


Each pulse of the laser takes a fraction of a second and can treat many hairs at the same time. The laser can treat an area approximately the size of a quarter every second. Small areas such as the upper lip can be treated in less than a minute, and large areas, such as the back or legs, may take up to an hour.


Dr Sneha Gohil [Profile]_Procedure

Dr. Sneha Gohil

Dermatologist and Cosmetologist

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Dr.Sneha is the best dermatologist she is really friendly and makes them feel comfortable she is well experienced I recommend her for any skin or hair problem she give medicine if required.
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My experience was really good. I had a outburst of I consulted her and within a week I was so happy and satisfied with the results.
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Awesome; Dr. Sneha Gohil promptly responses to your skin problems, good diagnosis and provides proper remedy. She is of very caring nature and a very nice person too. Definitely recommended.
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