Laser Pigmentation Removal

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Laser Pigmentation Removal – Overview

Laser Pigmentation Removal is a procedure that uses a laser to remove pigmentation and redness and is also known as laser skin rejuvenation. This is one of the most advanced treatments for removing unwanted pigmentation on the skin such as age spots, sunspots, Hyperpigmentation, Flat pigmented birthmarks, and freckles.


  • Age spots
  • Melasma
  • Sun spots
  • Tattoo removal
  • Freckles
  • Birth marks
  • Acne blemishes

How it works?


The 1064 nm QS-Nd:YAG is well absorbed by melanin and being a longer wavelength causes minimal damage to epidermis. IT destroys the excess pigmentation and helps in maintaining even skin tone.


The laser is used to target the pigmented lesion in the skin, which absorbs the light. The laser heats up and shatters the pigment, which is then drawn to the surface without harming the surrounding tissue.

The pigmented lesions will either fade or dry and even flake off the treated area when it is drawn to the surface. This will leave the skin with an even tone and complexion.

There might be a mild discolouration of pigment before it heals after just a few days. The treated area can also sometimes become more sensitive to sun exposure however with proper sun-safety precautions, the effects are minimal.

Post Procedural Care

Apply soothing creams and sunscreen prescribed by your dermatologist. You can apply ice packs to reduce redness.


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Can pigmentation be removed by laser?

Because melanin absorbs light at a wide range of wavelengths, many different lasers can be used to remove pigmented lesions of the skin. Laser treatments can be combined with other treatment modalities like chemical peels, PRP, etc. for better effect.

How long does pigmentation take to fade after laser?

4-6 weeks
Laser pigmentation removal works by eliminating pigment in the surface of the skin through the body’s lymphatic system. On average, it takes 4-6 weeks for your body to process the pigment. Multiple treatments may be necessary to achieve the desired results.

What does laser do for pigmentation?

What are the lasers doing to the pigment to get rid of it? “Different lasers target either melanin or water in order to penetrate the skin and to heat up the target and destroy them. [This] results in the dark spot getting darker, flaking, and falling off after the treatment.

How many laser sessions are needed for pigmentation?

The pigment absorbs the laser energy and gets fragmented within the skin’s tissues, thereby giving you smooth and even skin tone. The laser reaches hard to reach deeper areas where products or peels etc do not reach. It usually takes about 6-8 sessions for the service to work effectively.

How long after laser do you see results?

You will start to see the results of your treatment as soon as your skin finishes healing from the laser resurfacing treatment. For most people, this means it may take two to three weeks to see any significant results of this treatment.

How long does laser last on face?

between three and five years
Even if you don’t see immediate improvement, your initial results will continue to improve throughout the year. On average, most patients get to enjoy silky-smooth skin that lasts for anywhere between three and five years after undergoing laser therapy.

Can pigmentation go permanently?

There are many treatments that can remove existing pigmentation, but they may not be a permanent cure. To keep pigmentation away in the long-term, you will need some maintenance.

How often should I get laser facial?

In general, the skin needs about four weeks between laser treatments to recover and be ready for the next session. With the sensitive nature of laser skin treatments, it is imperative that patients select a reputable facility and highly experienced provider to perform laser surfacing treatments.


Dr Sneha Gohil [Profile]_Procedure

Dr. Sneha Gohil

Dermatologist and Cosmetologist

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Dr.Sneha is the best dermatologist she is really friendly and makes them feel comfortable she is well experienced I recommend her for any skin or hair problem she give medicine if required.
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My experience was really good. I had a outburst of I consulted her and within a week I was so happy and satisfied with the results.
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Awesome; Dr. Sneha Gohil promptly responses to your skin problems, good diagnosis and provides proper remedy. She is of very caring nature and a very nice person too. Definitely recommended.
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