Male Pattern Baldness

male baldness
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Male Pattern Baldness – Overview

Male pattern baldness, also called androgenic alopecia, is the most common type of hair loss in men.

Male pattern baldness is related to your genes and male sex hormones. It usually follows a pattern of receding hairline and hair thinning on the crown.

How to identify?

With male pattern baldness, hair loss typically occurs on the top and front of the head. With female pattern baldness, thinning occurs on the top and crown of the head. This thinning in women often starts as a widening of the centre hair part that leaves the front hairline unaffected.

Stages of male pattern baldness


Who’s at risk?

Male pattern baldness can begin in your teenage years, but it more commonly occurs in adult men, with the likelihood increasing with age. Genetics plays a big role. Men who have close relatives with male pattern baldness are at a higher risk. This is particularly true when their relatives are on the maternal side of the family.

Am I losing my hair?

If your hair loss begins at the temples or the crown of the head, you may have male pattern baldness. Some men will get a single bald spot. Others experience their hairlines receding to form an “M” shape. In some men, the hairline will continue to recede until all or most of the hair is gone.

Can hair loss be prevented?

There’s no known way to prevent male pattern baldness. A theory is that stress may cause hair loss by increasing the production levels of sex hormones in the body. You can reduce stress by participating in relaxing activities, such as walking, listening to calming music, and enjoying more quiet time.

How a dermatologist can help with hair loss

If you want to do something about hair loss, making an appointment to see a dermatologist can be a great place to start. A dermatologist can tell you what type of hair loss you have. This is important because different types of hair loss require different treatments.

A dermatologist can also tell you what results you can expect from treatment. If you want to treat the hair loss, a dermatologist can talk with you about options that will help you see the most improvement.


  • Oral medications
  • Topical hair growth enhancer lotions
  • PRP therapy
  • Meso therapy
  • Hair transplant


Can male pattern baldness grow back?

Male-pattern baldness tends to develop slowly.

Treatment can reduce further hair loss, and some men regrow a bit of their hair. The men who tend to see the best results start treatment soon after noticing hair loss.

Can hair grow back after Balding?

This type of hair loss is typically permanent, which means that the hair will not grow back. But if caught early, you might be able to slow down or prevent the hair loss process with a prescription oral treatment

When does male pattern baldness usually start?

Hair Loss in Your 20s
The majority of androgenetic alopecia (or male pattern baldness) sufferers start noticing their hair loss in their mid to late twenties. By age 20, about 20% of men have at least some visible hair loss.

Can you prevent female pattern baldness?

You can’t prevent it, but you can protect your hair from breakage and loss via hair care tips shared above.


Dr Sneha Gohil [Profile]_Procedure

Dr. Sneha Gohil

Dermatologist and Cosmetologist

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