Mesotherapy for Hair

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Mesotherapy for Hair – Overview

Hair Mesotherapy is a treatment method applied by injecting the vitamins, minerals and amino acid mixtures required for the hair into the scalp. This method enables the components that nourish the hair follicles to settle in the hair easily. With this method, hair loss can be treated, as it thickens thinned hair, stops hair loss, and makes the hair stronger and shinier.


  • Excessive hair loss
  • Seborrhea of the scalp associated with the breakdown of sebaceous glands;
  • Dandruff
  • Scratched and dry scalp
  • Increased hair fragility and split hair
  • Volume loss in basal area

Allopathic Cocktails Used in Hair Mesotherapy

They contain vitamins, minerals, elastin, collagen, vasodilators and other active components. Doctor determines the correct position and desired results after a detailed analysis of hair and scalp and problems relating to the patient. Important: This kind of cocktails can rapidly solve the problem.

What is hair mesotherapy and how is it applied?

Hair Mesotherapy is the direct injection of vitamins, minerals (Calcium, Iodine, Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Selenium, Iron, Potassium), agents related to the keratin layer of the skin, amino acids and surface expanders required for hair growth and development into the scalp.

Mesotherapy is very effective for scalp and hair. It is considered one of the most popular applications in modern cosmetology in combating various hair problems.

You can deal with many problems with this application: stimulating inactive bulbs, providing nourishment to hair follicles, and eliminating dandruff. Mesotherapy is a hair therapy method carried out by an experienced specialist.

Micro injections help the application of special medications containing vitamins and nutrients necessary for healthy hair and hair growth.

The medicinal composition is chosen by the doctor depending on the problem. The price of this procedure is fully consistent with the intended effect. Important: Mesotherapy solves many hair problems.

What are the advantages of mesotherapy?

There are a bunch of benefits to mesotherapy for hair, which have only increased the popularity of the treatment.

1. It’s effective
If you were curious about the efficacy of the treatment, we’re glad to report that it definitely works! “Mesotherapy is definitely effective for hair fall. In fact, when we combine it with PRP, that is platelet-rich plasma, the efficacy and effectiveness is far superior,” elaborates Dr. Deshmukh.

2. It’s safe and painless
Compared to more invasive, surgical treatments, mesotherapy is definitely a safer alternative when it comes to tackling hair loss. Plus, it generally leaves no damage to the surrounding tissue, and does the job it’s meant to.

3. It enhances scalp immunity
Apart from reviving hair follicles, mesotherapy for hair allows the scalp to be rejuvenated too. The procedure of puncturing using the injections allows the development of new blood vessels, and therefore manages to rejuvenate your scalp that will ensure your hair grows longer, shinier, and thicker.

4. It reduces scalp inflammation
As mentioned, mesotherapy for hair controls the micro-inflammation in the scalp. So if you’ve been experiencing dandruff or itchiness, you can be assured that mesotherapy will take care of it all, and revive your scalp into being healthier.


What to Pay Attention After Mesotherapy?

  • At the end of the procedure, small wounds remain from the injections. It will take some time to heal.
  • Do not wash your hair, especially with balms and shampoo. You have to endure dirty hair for a while (3-4 days). Water and shampoos can negatively affect the outcome of the procedure and the healing process will be delayed.
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight for a while (2-3 days)
  • Do not swim. You should not have shower within the first 10 hours after mesotherapy. Injection areas should be dried well.
  • Do not use sauna or pool for at least 7 days
  • Do not apply massage on injection areas until it completely heals
  • Do not consume alcohol. Alcohol stimulates vasodilatation. This negatively affects the efficiency of mesotherapy.

Is There Any Pain During the Procedure?

Yes. Besides its high price, pain is the main disadvantage of mesotherapy. However, it all depends on the individual pain threshold. Occiput (back of the head) and ear area are the most sensitive areas to injections. After mesotherapy, you cannot wash your hair, go to the pool and steam rooms for 4 days to avoid complications and discomfort. It is also worth stopping the procedure during the menstrual period, as the pain will be felt much stronger during this period. Important: Whether the pain is felt depends on the pain threshold of the patient.

Is mesotherapy safe for hair?

It’s safe.
Compared to more invasive, surgical treatments, mesotherapy is definitely a safer alternative when it comes to tackling hair loss. Plus, it generally leaves no damage to the surrounding tissue, and does the job it’s meant to.

What are side effects of mesotherapy for hair?

Side effects. Skin edema may be seen, and pain can occur in injection areas after the procedure. In addition, there may be itching and scaly crust appearance.

Can I wash my hair after mesotherapy?

You can wash your hair after 24 hours of mesotherapy with your routine shampoo.

How often should you have mesotherapy?

The number of mesotherapy sessions you will require for your hair depends on the skin condition that you want to treat. The treatment works with a cumulative effect, so we usually recommends between 3 and 6 sessions 2/4 weeks apart in order to achieve your desired results.


Dr Sneha Gohil [Profile]_Procedure

Dr. Sneha Gohil

Dermatologist and Cosmetologist

Happy Patients

Dr.Sneha is the best dermatologist she is really friendly and makes them feel comfortable she is well experienced I recommend her for any skin or hair problem she give medicine if required.
Thakar MeetPatient
My experience was really good. I had a outburst of I consulted her and within a week I was so happy and satisfied with the results.
Shah PoojaPatient
Awesome; Dr. Sneha Gohil promptly responses to your skin problems, good diagnosis and provides proper remedy. She is of very caring nature and a very nice person too. Definitely recommended.
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