PRP Therapy

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PRP Therapy for Hair Regrowth – Overview

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy for hair loss is a three-step medical treatment in which a person’s blood is drawn, processed, and then injected into the scalp.

Some in the medical community think that PRP injections trigger natural hair growth and maintain it by increasing blood supply to the hair follicle and increasing the thickness of the hair shaft. Sometimes this approach is combined with other hair loss procedures or medications.

PRP therapy process

PRP therapy is a three-step process. Most PRP therapy requires six to eight treatments 4–6 weeks apart.

Maintenance treatments are required every 4–6 months.

Step 1
Your blood is drawn — typically from your arm — and put into a centrifuge (a machine that spins rapidly to separate fluids of different densities).

Step 2
After about 10 minutes in the centrifuge, your blood will have separated into in three layers:

  • platelet-poor plasma
  • platelet-rich plasma
  • red blood cells

Step 3
The platelet-rich plasma is drawn up into a syringe and then injected into areas of the scalp that need increased hair growth.

Risks of PRP for hair loss

Be sure to report all medications you’re on before the procedure including supplements and herbs.
When you go for your initial consultation, many providers will recommend against PRP for hair loss if you:

  • are on blood thinners
  • are a heavy smoker
  • have a history of alcohol or drug misuse

You might also be rejected for treatment if you’ve been diagnosed with:

  • acute or chronic infections
  • cancer
  • chronic liver disease
  • chronic skin disease
  • hemodynamic instability
  • hypofibrinogenemia
  • metabolic disorder
  • platelet dysfunction syndromes
  • systemic disorder
  • sepsis
  • low platelet count


For best results, consistency is key. Treatments are typically performed once a month for the first three to four months, and then every three to six months thereafter, depending on the individual patient’s response and results. Following this protocol, anticipated results can first be seen within two to three months, says Sadick.

“The first result that patients usually note is decreased hair shedding, followed by early regrowth and increased length of hair,”. “The general consensus is that receiving treatments every three to six months on a long-term basis are optimal for continuing to stimulate the growth factors and stem cells that are associated with regrowth and stopping hair fallout.”


Can PRP regrow hair?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection is a novel procedure that uses your own blood platelets – a type of cell that helps with healing throughout the body – to potentially reverse hair loss and grow new hair.

Does PRP permanent?

The results of PRP treatment are most noticeable after several weeks for joint injections and six months for scalp injections, and are not permanent; patients may require additional injections at the direction of their doctor.

How many times PRP needed for hair?

Most PRP therapy requires six to eight treatments 4–6 weeks apart. Maintenance treatments are required every 4–6 months.

At what age should PRP be done?

PRP can be done for both females and males and at any age after 18 years . Ofcourse sooner it’s started better is the outcome . Maintenance sessions are required and interval may vary from patient to patient as hair loss issue is a continuing process and thus patient may need multiple touch up sessions

How do I maintain my hair after PRP?

Avoid vigorous exercise, sun and heat exposure for at least 2 days after your treatment. PRP. Avoid saunas, steam rooms, swimming for 2 days after your treatment. recur earlier and results may take longer.

Can I wash head after PRP?

The main reason to refrain from washing your hair 24 hours after the treatment is undertaken is the risk of impacting your PRP treatment. We also advise patients not to exercise on the day of the PRP treatment. Like shampooing, exercise can also be resumed the day after your PRP injections.

How long does PRP take to show results?

PRP hair growth treatment is gaining standardization among medical professionals and the present scope of the treatment is envisioned with three treatment sessions. Results expected from this treatment can begin to show comprehensive progress within a span of three months.


Dr Sneha Gohil [Profile]_Procedure

Dr. Sneha Gohil

Dermatologist and Cosmetologist

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