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What is Skin Polishing?

Skin polishing generally refers to a technique to improve the skin, its texture, improve acne, fine lines and spots around the skin. It is a way to improve your skin by making it more smoother, brighter and softer. The skin becomes more radiant as the dead skin is removed by killing the dead cells.


As the name suggests, skin polishing is a professional procedure that deeply exfoliates your skin, removes dead skin cell build-up and reveals the smooth skin underneath. It is a good idea to get this treatment before special occasions like weddings and big events. It is done by polishing your skin with handheld devices or chemicals and introducing essential nutrients to the top layer. The procedure is effective at treating:

  • Hyper pigmentation,
  • age spots
  • signs of photo-ageing
  • Crow’s feet around the eyes.
  • Suitable for all skin types, skin polishing helps improve the appearance of dull skin from within.
  • Exfoliation
  • Clogged pores
  • Black heads
  • Un even skin tone
  • Photo damaged skin

Here are some of the main benefits of skin polishing:

  • Even skin tone– Multiple sessions of skin polishing can help reduce dark spots and pigmentation, evening out your skin tone in the process.
  • More effective than facials– Skin polishing is a more effective way of treating your skin than regular facials at salons.
  • Glowing skin– The procedure is a favourite among people who have big events to attend – it gives you glowing skin after just one session.
  • Removal of dead skin cells– Skin polishing helps slough off dead skin cells from the surface and boost new skin cell growth.
  • Deep exfoliation– The procedure does wonders to deeply exfoliate your skin, removing build-up and promoting blood circulation in the face.
  • Overall increased skin health and appearance– Skin polishing gives a more wholesome and overall result when compared to other treatments.

Now that you know the benefits, let’s look at the three types of skin polishing procedures available and key details about each of them.

How it works?

Skin polishing is a treatment where the skin is polished and nourished with nutrients, while the dead skin is removed. It is a gentle procedure and similar to a facial.

The technique typically includes a device that the skincare professional will use to gently remove the top layer of the skin in the area being treated. This is followed by the application of a serum or moisturizer based on your skin type to close the open pores and maximize the benefits of the procedure on the skin.

Skin polishing can be done at home or by a skincare professional or dermatologist. However, we advise you not to try it without the professional advice of an expert. For best results, microdermabrasion should ideally be done for upto 8 sessions with a gap of 3-4 weeks between each session.


Crystal Microdermabrasion

It is a non-invasive procedure that uses the principle of friction to sand away the top layer of the skin. The hand held device uses aluminum oxide crystals that are sprayed onto the skin at high speed. Simultaneously, an attached vacuum sucks away the dirt and dead skin.


  • Very little downtime required (24 hours).
  • Results visible almost immediately after the procedure.
  • Permanently removes scars and marks in a few sittings.
  • Good for acne reduction as the crystals have antibacterial qualities.
  • The crystals can access wrinkles, and the lines near your nose and mouth because of their irregular shape.
  • Aluminum Oxide that is used in the crystals is inert, hence non-toxic, non-carcinogenic and will not cause any allergies or adverse reactions.
  • Crystal dermabrasion can be more effective for older skins with sun damage that need treatment.


  • It may be too strong a treatment for younger or sensitive skins.
  • The skin can be sensitive to the sun for a few weeks.
  • Slight redness of the skin can occur, however, that fades away in a few hours.
  • The spray can be hard to control in the hands of someone less experienced.
  • Skin may feel sensitive to the touch.


  • Use a strong sunscreen with high SPF, if you have to step out.
  • Use hypoallergenic products that nourish and moisturize your skin.
  • Avoid colour cosmetics on the skin if the treatment has been done on the face.
  • Avoid using anti-acne creams and lotions on the face.
  • Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water.
  • Avoid touching your skin and body heating exercises like a sauna or a hot shower.

Diamond Microdermabrasion

Here, a handpiece with a diamond-tip is used to exfoliate the skin very gently. It simultaneously uses a suction method to suck in the dead skin and dirt it exfoliates. This method is used for sensitive areas with thin skin — the under-eye region and the surrounding areas.


  • Preferred by skincare professionals as it gives them more control for better results.
  • No chance of any particle getting inhaled or irritating the eyes.
  • Diamonds being the hardest substance found, they can be most effective for dermabrasion.
  • Gives the professional more control for better treatment over delicate areas near the eyes and mouth.
  • Effective on sensitive skin and does deeper exfoliation.
  • Ideal for younger, firmer skins, especially if you need glowing skin for your wedding or a big occasion.


  • Fixed and rigid shape makes it difficult to reach every part of the face.
  • Build-up of dead skin particles on the wand’s tip may increase risk of bacterial infections.
  • Can be less effective on skin with wrinkles and lines as the wand doesn’t have crystals that can fit into the crevices and irregularities on the skin’s surface.


  • Avoid applying any topical creams — medicated or cosmetic.
  • Use sunscreen with a high SPF.
  • Avoid applying make-up for a few days.
  • Stay away from hot showers or saunas; steam rooms or exercise — anything that increases your body temperature — for at least 24-48 hours.
  • Drink a lot of water and don’t touch your skin.

Post Procedural Care

You must follow your doctor’s instructions well after the treatment is over. Try your best not to expose your skin to direct sunlight. If stepping out in the sun is unavoidable, apply a large amount sunscreen lotion with an SPF of at least 15. Make appointments with your dermatologist and get at least 4 sessions of skin polishing treatment done to see visible results.


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Are the results of the treatment permanent?

The results of the treatment are permanent if you take good care of your skin. You must avoid direct sunlight as much as you can. Keep your skin away from dirt and pollution by cleaning it from time to time.

Are there any side effects?

You may experience redness in your skin for some time but it goes away in a few hours. Do not get skin polishing done on the day you have to attend an event or occasion. It is always wise to get it done a day or two in advance.

Who is eligible for the treatment?

You can get skin polishing treatment if you feel that your skin has become dull from all the environmental pollution and dirt. If you have damaged skin, age spots, fine lines and uneven skin, you should go for microdermabrasion. Chemical peels can benefit people suffering from acne scars or deep wrinkles.

Who is not eligible for the treatment?

If you are undergoing some other medical treatment, skin spots may occur due to the side effects of those medications. Make sure you are through with that treatment before going for any skin polishing treatment.

What is the price of the treatment in India?

Cost of one session of microdermabrasion may be ₹1500 – ₹3000 depending on the area of skin covered. Cost of chemical peeling may vary greatly depending on the type of peel you choose and the area to be treated.

Is skin polishing safe?

So, if you wish to have younger and brighter looking skin, or want to minimise the appearance of fine lines, crow’s feet or wrinkles, skin polishing is a treatment you can opt for. It is safe, non-invasive and the results are visible in a few sessions.

Does body polishing remove tan?

Body polishing exfoliates the skin, removes dead cells and moisturizes the skin too. This process, when followed regularly helps in tan removal and even closes pores, which leads to a lightening of the skin tone.


Dr Sneha Gohil [Profile]_Procedure

Dr. Sneha Gohil

Dermatologist and Cosmetologist

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Dr.Sneha is the best dermatologist she is really friendly and makes them feel comfortable she is well experienced I recommend her for any skin or hair problem she give medicine if required.
Thakar MeetPatient
Dr. Parson Does Great Work
My experience was really good. I had a outburst of I consulted her and within a week I was so happy and satisfied with the results.
Shah PoojaPatient
Awesome; Dr. Sneha Gohil promptly responses to your skin problems, good diagnosis and provides proper remedy. She is of very caring nature and a very nice person too. Definitely recommended.
Anuja KochharPatient